Must See Movies That Are Coming in 2019

Hey everybody, it’s The Blog Complainer and here we are at the end of 2018, can you believe it? Wow, time goes so so fast. So many great movies came out in 2018 and I reviewed about 40 or 50 of them. But now it’s time to forget about all those old movies (until the Oscars come around). Why’s that? Because you’ve got to look into the future and the future is more exciting than what’s currently going on.

So that brings us here. We’re going to look through the movies that are coming out in 2019 and there’s alot of potentially great movies coming out. But we’re not here for those movies, but for the blockbuster remake/reboot movies that are the only ones worth talking out. So here we go ….. Movies you Have To See in 2019!


Coming this January

On the first day of January we’re getting another Mary Poppins movie titled Mary Poppins Returns. (A bit late aren’t we?) I know this movie is technically a 2018 movie but for me it comes out next year so I’m counting it. So prepare for a spoonful of pandering, that’s all you’re going to get with this one so it definitely deserves to be on this list. Then our last noteworthy movie of the month is the continuation of M. Night’s Cinematic Glass. Which should be awesome because M Night is back to his glory days so this movie should definitely win the 2020 Oscars.


Only in February

Happy Death Day is getting another sequel. I haven’t seen the first one but it’s a Blumhouse movie and I love me some good Blumhouse movies to pick on. We’re also getting some more kids movies such as How to Train your Dragon 3 – I’m guessing this guy really sucks if it’s taken him 3 movies to train his dragon, This isn’t Pokemon, right? Lastly we’re getting the Lego movie 2: The Second Part, I wanted to highlight these words because it’s been about 5 years since I have seen the first Lego Movie and I just need to make sure that I don’t have to watch Lego Ninjago to keep up with the Lego Cinematic Universe.


Marvel March

As you can tell by the title, Marvel’s Captain Marvel is here. I don’t know anything about the character because I don’t read comics. But I don’t need to worry, Marvel has never let me down, and I bet it’ll triple Black Panther’s gross without a doubt. Our last movie worth mentioning is Tim Burton’s Dumbo. I haven’t seen Dumbo since I learned how to talk but with Tim Burton at the helm it will definitely suck!


Amazing Amazo April

SHAZAM! is our second Captain Marvel film of this year and since it looks more colourful and more funny it should be great but, it’s DC we’re talking about here, so they’ll probably find a way to mess it up somehow. Farmageddeon is another Shaun the Sheep movie, just for you kids. We’ve got more comic book movies such as Hellboy – I don’t know anything about this character but it looks really cool so I’m hyped. We’re getting a Stephen King adaption of Pet Sematary which should be pretty cool or pretty sucky, either way sounds good for me. Our second MCU movie and the movie with the most anticipation is the Avengers: Endgame. I’m guessing this is the last MCU movie if it’s called Endgame but wasn’t Infinity War the endgame because of the ending? Who cares, it’s going to quadruple Captain Marvel’s gross so we’re all good.

2b0d1f83-c646-4d72-96e9-7b354de6924e  It’s All Here in May

Up first is Pokemon: Detective Pikachu which is the first American made Pokemon movie and it’s Anime’s Micky Mouse who only says one word and it’s also a detective. I’m in! But if you don’t want that there is UglyDolls which I feel like that week will be the battle of which main character is the cutest. We’re also getting John Wick: Chapter 3 which I’m guessing is the last one because that’s how trilogy’s work. Up next is Disney’s live action remake of Aladdin which is kind of doomed from the start because Robin Williams isn’t in it. He stole the movie in the original and now Will Smith is playing the Genie, oh boy not looking forward to this. There is another Godzilla movie too, if you’re interested. Finally we have Rocketman it’s the Bohemian Rhapsody movie for Elton John pretty much.


Cash-Grab June

First up is The Secret Life of Pets 2 which should rake in a billion bucks in the first week, without a doubt. It’s taken them 13 years but Dark Phoenix is finally going to fix the X-Men universe and also this is a part of the 20th Century Fox Marvel Cinematic Universe, so don’t get confused. Here comes the Men in Black: International, so expect a soft reboot. Also Shaft and Child’s Play are being rebooted this month – I’m getting a suspicion they’re just doing this for the money.  Oh wait, I almost forgot, Toy Story is being rebooted again. I know number 3 ended on a pretty good note but I haven’t seen them in 9 years so I guess it’s time we caught up over a cup of tea.

simba July’s Selection

Another Annabelle movie, okay I haven’t seen the last two so I’ll definitely not see this one! Disney Live Action movie number 3 is of course The Lion King which I’m a bit hesitant to call Live Action because animated Lion King has no humans in it and presuming this will be an accurate retelling of that movie so I’m guessing we’re in for a 1 hr and 40 Animal Kingdom documentary. Our last movie of this month is Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and it’s a Quentin Tarantino flick, Nuff said.

New-Mutants-Movie ‘Tis August

Up first is The New Mutants, they’re new because this is the first movie for all these characters. This movie looks promising because it looks like a horror movie so can’t wait to watch super powered children run for their lives. Meanwhile in the Fast and the Furious cinematic universe we’re getting a spin-off where The Rock hangs out with Jason Statham. That’s good enough for me. Also, Angry Birds is getting a sequel and apparently there is going to be a live action Dora the Explorer, okay.


September’s Duo

As of now we only have two noteworthy movies and that is It: Chapter 2 as this is chapter 2 of the IT Cinematic universe. Our other movie is Downton Abbey which is kind of like that Entourage movie from a few years ago because it features the original cast from the TV show.


Up first is DC’s second entry, Joker, which is apparently not part of the same universe as Shazam. (For some unknown reason.) So expect a really awful movie. Zombieland Too and Are You Afraid of the Dark? are supposed to come out next year but I wouldn’t bet on that. But the scariest movie to come out this month is an animated Addams Family, because they’re going to look creepy and cooky and probably the most terrifying thing of the year.



Our first movie is another Terminator movie starring Grampa Terminator and Crazy Old Sarah Connor. Thanks, I guess. But that’s not all. We’re also getting a Charlie’s Angels reboot because, why not? Also Kingsman 3 and Frozen 2 because we’ve already spent all our earnings from the last movie. Then our crowning jewel is a Live Action Sonic the Hedgehog movie and oh boy I can’t wait to rip this movie to shreds.



Did you like the reboot of Jumanji? Good, there is another coming. Masters of the Universe is getting a remake, cool. Cats, Little Women and Wicked are all getting a movie next December. And finally the not very anticipated movie Star Wars Episode IX, which should be the highest grossing movie of the universe and will probably be the most polarizing movie in existence.

Well that’s it for our recap of what’s to come and I’m definitely definitely looking forward to another great year at the movies. So I’ll see you all then and be sure to like, subscribe, comment, double check you’re subscribed, give me your money, give me everything you own, make a second account so you can definitely make sure you’re subscribed to me and share this site so they can do everything I just said.

I’m the Blog Complainer and I’ll see you some other time, Buh Bye.

Coming Soon

  • My favorite movies of 2018
  • My least favourite movies of 2018
  • Games I’ve played in 2018
  • TV Shows I’ve watched in 2018

Thanks for a Great Year.

6 thoughts on “Must See Movies That Are Coming in 2019

  1. Really good job re-capping almost all of 2019’s blockbuster films! For me, my most anticipated film is Avengers: Endgame because I just have to know what happens after that ending from Avengers: Infinity War. By the way, I completed my small challenge for The Blog Complainer’s Appreciation Award! Check it out if you get the chance.


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