News and Updates: October Edition

Hello, it’s me, The Blog Complainer. This update will probably be short and sweet, unless I got off on a tangent which sometimes I am known to do.


First things first: Halloween! Last night I watched John Carpenter’s Halloween for the first time and it was pretty good. I might write a review on that on Letterboxd, or maybe not, but what I really want to focus on is my plans for Halloween. I have interesting ideas for this year that I hope might become a yearly tradition.

Last year I  did a bit of a random dip where I could have watched a good horror movie or a bad one. From memory most of them were watchable or not too bad. I think it was only The Open House that was truly awful. This year I hope to make up for it by watching more bad horror flicks. Instead of releasing all of these movies in one big package, I’m going to do one a week leading up to Halloween. Another criteria I came up with is that no matter how appalling these movies might be I will do my best to recommend each of them.

For example: I really recommend you should watch The Open House because if you like a horror movie that isn’t scary, a killer with no real motive and watching people walk around a house with apparently no electricity then this is the movie for you!

Also it has the main guy from 13 Reasons Why. Perfect recommendation!

That’s pretty much it with Halloween I also want to mention social media platforms as I am active on a few of them. I have an Instagram account that I don’t often use and I have a Facebook account that I only use for uploading my WordPress posts because, screw Facebook! My main go to is WordPress for keeping up with my audience and friends. I am on Twitter also for occasionally tweeting stuff, but it is the platform I’m pretty much always on and it’s an easy way to keep in touch with people.

My main thing I want to discuss is Letterboxd as it’s pretty much my second account. I put my lists there e.g. my Disneyathon rankings. It’s also a nice convenient spot to put reviews for movies I have just seen. My latest posts include Good Boys and Dora and the Lost City of Gold.  For additional content check out my Letterboxd account.


Did anyone know Spidey is back in the MCU? I didn’t know this until WordPress told me. I’m glad he’s back because now I can add Spidey to the other 30 superhero movies I have to watch in the next 3 years. Speaking of which, Joker is coming out this week and I’m actually looking forward to it. If it’s as good as they say it might potentially start The Joker Cinematic Universe where in the sequel Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker teams up with Jack Nicholson’s Joker to defeat the abominable Jared Leto’s Joker. Make it happen WB!

What else should I watch in October 2019? I know, Ang Lee’s Gemini Man starring Will Smiths! Have any of you seen the trailer? I thought it was horribly hilarious, but you know that may just be me.

Zombieland: Double Tap also looked entertainingly bad, but it’s no Gemini Man. Sorry Zombieland you’re not trying hard enough. Let see another Maleficent movie, who cares, Judy is probably another movie for Letterboxd and finally Terminator: Dark Fate. Eh. I’m going to view it like I did Terminator: Genisys it’s either going to be really bad or really mediocre. Something like that I honestly don’t care about. I’m curious, who still cares about The Terminator movies. It’s also coming out on Halloween though my review might escape into November and what does November hold?

A Shining reboot, a Charlie’s Angels remake and Frozen II. That’s just fantastically great.


That wraps up everything I wanted to say. Catch up with you all in a bit and I have been The Blog Complainer, signing out.

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